cash flow finance in Australia
Improve Working Capital With
Flexible Cash Flow Finance
Only pay as you use
No lock-in contracts
Funds in 4 Hours
How Does Cash Flow Finance Work Work?
Send us your Invoices
Invoice your clients and send us a copy
Funds in 4 hours
We process your invoices and advance up to 80% of the invoice value
When paid – You get the rest
Receive the remainder when your customer pays us
Still unclear?… Call us on 1300 884 100 or watch our video to see how Debt Factoring works

Cash Flow Finance Australia

As a business, you should be using your finances to grow your business, not using it on unpaid invoices. Key Factors helps businesses with cash flow finance in Australia. Since we were established in 1989, our business Key Factors, has led the way as an independently owned invoice factoring company. We can assist you whether you are a business that is just starting out, or you are an established business looking to expand your way, we are proud to be a reliable and faster alternative to banks. We proudly offer Australian businesses from a range of industries, ways to improve their cash flow by releasing the cash that is tied up in their unpaid invoices. If you are looking for solutions to help your business thrive, talk to the leaders in cash flow finance Australia-wide by calling us on 1300 884 100. Services we offer include invoice factoring, debtor finance, invoice discounting, invoice financing, selective invoice financing, debt factoring and more!   Maintaining a healthy cash flow is every business’s dream. But slow invoice payments and a growing customer base make this a complicated balance, with most businesses struggling to find that delicate balance. In many businesses, particularly new, small and medium businesses, customers can take up to 90 days to pay their invoice, negatively impacting their cash flow.   Businesses have several options to solve the cash crunch, with most sticking to the conventional bank loans and overdrafts methods. But there is a third option that businesses can consider, and one that has worked amazingly well for those that have tried and has numerous benefits, is cash flow financing.

Instant QuoteNo Hidden Fees

Average monthly accounts receivable


Funds in 4 hours

$ 40,000

Up to 80% of invoice value

Fees for the first 14 days

$ 700

1.4% for the first 14 days & 0.1% per day thereafter for up to 90 days

Enquire Now

Benefits of Cash Flow Finance

Additional cash flow for business growth

Bridge the gap of slow payments

Working capital for start up companies

Meet operating expenses

Get on top of ATO obligations

Pay wages on time

Fast approval and funding process
Call us on 1300 884 100 to speak to a cash flow expert or contact us.
Should your business qualify, we will send you an approval to review within 24-48 hours.
Document and Settlement
On settlement, our team will actively work with you to get your invoices funded in as quick as 4 hours.

Finance In Depth With Key Factors

Here at Key Factors, we understand that having a steady cash flow is fundamental for business owners. However, there are some things you can’t control, like late payments. If your clients are taking up to 90 days or more to pay their invoices with you, this can lead to poor cash flow finance. Our team is here to help you, by being your flexible financial partner, working with you to tap into your accounts receivable, and turning those invoices into liquid cash. We can help bridge the gap of late payments, improving your cash flow. Once you have that important additional cash flow, you can then use it to facilitate growth within your business, stay on top of any ATO obligations, take care of your operating expenses, and pay your business wages on time, every time.
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No Property

No Hidden Costs

No Lock-in

No Use, No Fee

Improve Your Working Capital

Our highly experienced Key Factors team members, take great pride in providing tailored and personal financial solutions through our exceptional one-on-one relationships with our clients. Our state managers consistently work closely with a range of introducers including finance brokers, accountants, and solicitors to provide solutions to their clients. And businesses choose to partner with us because we have direct access to key decision makers, competitive referral fees and trail commissions, and we take a flexible and commercial approach to all our solutions. We can assist a range of growing companies who have a high level of customers on accounts, with an annual sales turnover ranging from $500,000 to $30 million through our dedicated knowledge of cash flow finance in Australia. Australia’s smartest businesses are already working with us, so don’t get left behind. Talk to us today to see how we can provide you or your clients with flexible tailored financial solutions in a timely manner.

Make The Right Financial Move

We provide cash flow finance Australia-wide that can benefit both your business and your client’s business, because we can help to improve working capital with flexible cash flow finance. Not only are Key Factors your local experts, but our team provides fast approval, with responses usually provided within 24 to 48 hours of receiving an application. Call our team today on 1300 884 100 and join the growing number of businesses who utilise cash flow finance Australia.

What is Cash Flow Financing?

Cash flow financing is a unique business funding option that leverages the business’s unpaid invoices. This unique financing method helps to unlock cash locked up in unpaid invoices through a factoring company. The factoring company advances the business up to 80% of the value of the invoices and the balance is less the factoring fees once the client pays up. This financing model has several obvious benefits from the conventional financing models, including that the business doesn’t have to worry about making monthly payments to pay back the funds, which could further compromise its cash flow situation. Another feature of cash flow financing is that the business doesn’t have to provide any fixed assets as collateral to secure the loan. It is also easier to get approved for this type of funding because of its lower threshold of requirements, unlike credit from traditional banks. Working with leading factoring companies like Key Factors provides the business with unrivalled flexibility because they choose how many invoices they want to finance and when they want to finance, depending on their cash flow needs.

How Does Cash Flow Financing Work?

How cash flow financing works might differ depending on the company you choose to work with and their terms and conditions. Generally, the process begins when you apply for cash flow financing. Once your request is received, the financing lender reviews the amount you’re asking for and compares it to your cash flow projections and credit to determine eligibility. At Key Factors, this process takes 24-48 hours to get a response once you submit your request. You can also contact us to speak to a cash flow expert who can guide you through the process and the requirements for your request.

Send us a copy of the invoices

Once approved, you will send us a copy of the invoices you want to finance. We will provide you with up to 80% of the value of the invoices upfront and the remaining 20% once the client pays us in full, minus our service fees. Our cash flow financing option is flexible. Businesses can fund as many or as few invoices as possible without worrying about exorbitant or hidden fees.

What you Can Use Cash Flow Financing Funds For

Unlike bank loans, cash flow financing options are not as restrictive. Businesses can use the funds they receive as they see fit. The most common applications for cash flow financing funds include;

Purchasing inventory

If you run a product-based business, empty shelves are the last thing you want to deal with. If you’re running low on supplies, cash flow financing could help you purchase the inventory you need to satisfy your customers, maintain consistent supply and avoid sales dips.

Filling purchase orders

If your business pays someone else to manufacture the products you sell, cash flow gaps can hurt your supply and your reputation with manufacturers and keep your products from reaching your customers’ hands-on time. You can use cash flow financing to inject money into your business quickly, fill the purchase order and keep your deliverables on schedule.

Maintaining seasonal operations

When expecting an uptick in sales during certain seasons, cash flow financing is a good fit to help smooth out the increase in demand without compromising your business’s finances. Freeing up cash in unpaid invoices can help you prepare for peak season by purchasing inventory or hiring and training new staff.

Expand your operations

Whether you’re currently running an online store and want to open a physical store or currently run a brick-and-mortar operation and you think it’s time to open a second store or open up a digital storefront, cash flow financing can provide you with the financing you need without digging yourself into debt or affecting your current business operations.

Invest in marketing

You can also use the funds you get from cash flow financing to market, spread the word about your business, and widen your customer base. Whether it’s a new product you’re planning to launch, an old one you believe hasn’t quite achieved its potential, or even entering a new market medium, you can use cash flow financing to free up cash to help you cover your marketing budget.

Cover unexpected costs

Running a business has its fair share of surprises, and an out-of-the-blue expense can turn your financial status upside down and throw you on track. Cash flow financing can come in handy to cover such emergencies and other unforeseen costs like a fine by the ATO without putting a strain on the business.

Cash Flow Finance Benefits

Cash flow financing has various benefits for businesses that consider using it. It’s vital to ensure you partner with the right financing company to maximise these benefits.

Quick disbursements

Cash flow financing is a great option when you need money fast. Unlike banks’ lengthy application and approval processes, many financing companies can disburse the funds in a matter of hours. With Key Factors, the approval process can take as little as 24 hours, and we can have the funds in your account in just four hours. When your business needs money fast, cash flow financing can be the practical and most effective way to get your business out of a tough bind.

Additional cash to grow your business

Every successful business is underlined by its ability to maintain a healthy cash flow. A healthy cash flow means the business can continue to meet its obligations with existing and new customers and clients and maintain positive relationships with its suppliers and manufacturers. But maintaining a positive cash flow might be harder said than done for new, small and medium enterprises. Customers might take longer than expected to pay invoices, putting the business in dire situations. With cash flow financing, the business can use those unpaid invoices to access funding to run the business and spur its growth without adding to its monthly overheads, and it retains the flexibility to use its assets to take advantage of any strategic opportunities.

No asset security is required

Many businesses have to shore up some of their assets to get funding from traditional banks. This ties down the business and prevents them from taking advantage of any opportunities that present themselves. With cash flow financing, collateral, much less that of an asset, isn’t required. Businesses retain full access to any assets they have, and they can use them however they please.

Scalable funding

As your business grows, your credit should grow with you. With cash flow financing, you get scalable funding. The more sales you make, the more unpaid invoices you have. You can choose to have the unpaid invoices financed. With cash flow financing, you can finance as many or as few invoices as you need. As your financial needs increase, you can have more unpaid invoices financed.

Funding available to start-ups

Start-ups often get the short end of the stick when seeking credit. They have fewer credit options available because they don’t have a financial history. With cash flow financing, all a start-up needs is to make sales and provide a copy of the unpaid invoice to the financing company. This ensures even start-ups have the finances they need to keep their doors open and give them a shot at succeeding and growth.

Pay your employees

You can use cash flow financing to stay on top of your payroll. Every successful business has a strong, motivated and dedicated workforce behind it. One of the ways you can achieve this is by ensuring you always pay your employees on time. But in the midst of late payments and rapid growth, keeping up with payroll can be a challenge. You can use cash flow financing to honour payroll and ensure you pay your employees on time.

Get on top of ATO obligations

Another benefit of opting for cash flow financing is it can help you stay up to date with your ATO obligations. If you have back payments or penalties, cash flow financing can be a great way to stay on top of the payments without affecting other core functions of the business. The unique features of cash flow financing make it a unique option for businesses of all kinds and sizes as long as they require a fast and flexible injection of cash.

Why we are the Leading Cash Flow Finance Company in Australia

Getting the full benefits of cash flow financing requires partnering with a suitable financing company. Key Factors is not only the leading factoring company in Australia, we’re also among the best. Our unique and tailored approach to financing ensures we understand our customers and their needs to provide bespoke financing solutions. Here are a few more reasons why we are Australia’s leading cash financing option.

No hidden costs

Going for cash financing can be a slippery slope packed with surprise fees. At Key Factors, we value trust and reputation. We’re straightforward with our fees, so you know exactly what to expect right from the beginning. You can confirm how much you’re expected to pay in fees by contacting us to get a quote so you can make informed decisions on the financial future of your business.

No lock-in contract

Another reason we’re the best cash financing option in Australia is because we don’t sign our clients contracts. Most financiers prefer to sign their clients to long-term contracts during which the client has to get a certain percentage of their unpaid invoices financed. We believe in providing flexible financing solutions to our clients and allowing them to determine their financial future. We don’t lock you up in contracts. At Key Factors, you choose the invoices you want to finance and how long you want to finance them.

No use, no fee

At Key Factors, you only pay a fee for the invoices you choose to finance. This is in line with our no lock-in contracts policy. Typically, you would need to pay a fee if you sign a contract to finance your invoices for a certain period. You don’t have to worry about paying such fees at Key Factors. You only pay fees when you finance an invoice with us. It helps the business cut back on costs and only pay for their services. It’s value for money!

No property security

At Key Factors, you don’t have to worry about tying your valuable assets in your quest for funding for your business. All we need is a copy of your unpaid invoices, and we will provide you with up to 80% of the value of the invoice upfront while we wait for your client to pay the invoice in full. Cash flow financing with Key Factors is perfect when you don’t want to tie up your assets in your quest for funding.

Cash Flow Finance FAQs

What is Cash Flow Finance?
Having a steady cash flow is one of the top priorities for business owners. However late payments, with some clients taking up to 90 days to pay their invoices can result in poor cash flow. With Cash Flow Finance, your business can improve working capital by tapping into your accounts receivable and turn your invoices into liquid cash. The additional cash flow can allow your business to facilitate growth, stay on top of ATO obligations and operating expenses, and pay wages on time.
How much does Cash Flow Finance cost?
Key Factors invoice finance service costs 1.4% for the first 14 days & 0.1% per day thereafter for up to 90 days. Get an instant quote or call us on 1300 884 100 to find out more.
How much do I get?
Up to 80% of the invoice face value less 1.4% (fee for the first 14 days) is credited to you upfront. The remaining 20% of the invoice value less any accrued fees, is transferred to you when your customer pays us.
How fast can I get an approval for Cash Flow Finance?
A response is provided within 24 to 48 hours of receiving your application.
Will I be dealing with the same person from start to finish?
Yes. As a leading invoice factoring company with over 30+ years of experience, we pride ourselves in providing tailored and personal financial solutions through one-on-one relationships.
What is cash flow financing?
A positive cash flow means the world to every business. However, late payments, with some clients taking the full 90 days, can compromise that positive standing, putting the business’s finances in difficulty. Cash flow financing is one of the ways a business can improve its working capital by unlocking its accounts receivable and turning its unpaid invoices into liquid cash. The business can use the additional cash flow for growth operating expenses, keep up with wages or stay on top of ATO obligations.
How much does cash flow finance cost?
The cost of cash flow financing depends on the factoring company you choose. At Key Factors, the invoice finance service costs 1.4% for the first 14 days and 0.1% per day after that for up to 90 days. You can get an instant quote or call us to learn more about the fees and cost of cash flow finance.
How much do I get?
Key Factors finances 80% of the value of the invoice, less the 1.4% fee for the first 14 days, which is credited to you upfront. The remaining 20% of the invoice value, less any accrued fees, is credited to you when your customer pays us.
How fast can I get approval for cash flow finance?
We take about 24 to 48 hours to send you a response after your initial inquiry and filling out the application form. After the approval and due diligence, we can credit the money to your account within four hours.
Will I deal with the same person from start to finish?
We are big on tailoring our experience and financial solutions to the needs of our clients, and one-on-one relationships are one way to do it. You will work with the same person from start to finish to make addressing any challenges and future needs much easier.

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