The following is a multi-purpose acknowledgement form that allows Key Factors Pty Ltd (Key Factors) to check, with your consent, relevant credit reports with any Credit Reporting Body, as part of your application for a debt factoring facility.

Not all of the paragraphs numbered 1-5 below will be relevant to your application, however your consent to the relevant enquiries for your application will be given by signing the form where indicated below.

Please note if you do not sign this form, your application will not be processed.

1. Agreement that Key Factors may provide information to a Credit Reporting Agency
Key Factors is permitted to give Credit Reporting Body/ies Credit Information about your credit application (section 21D of the Act).

2. Agreement that Key Factors may seek or give other credit providers information relating to your credit worthiness
Key Factors can obtain from or give to another credit provider Credit Information about you with your consent (section 21J of the Act).

3. Guarantors
You authorise Key Factors to provide Credit Information in relation to you to a third party for the purpose of them considering whether or not to offer to act as your guarantor or to offer property as security in relation to this application (section 21K of the Act).

4. Overdue payment information
Key Factors can obtain Credit Eligibility Information about you from other credit providers where the information is sought for the purpose of collecting overdue payments in relation to the facility provided to you by Key Factors (section 21M of the Act).

5. Disclosure of information in relation to you
Key Factors must disclose any Credit Eligibility Information that it holds in relation to you to another person either upon receipt of your request to do so, or with your written authorisation provided to us by them.

Key Factors may refuse to provide the information:
• where the disclosure of the information would be unlawful;
• where they are required or authorised to deny access by an Australian law or court/tribunal; and
• where access may prejudice activities carried out by an enforcement body (section 21T of the Act).


• Credit Information: is personal information about an individual including but not limited to: identification information; repayment history information; default information; payment information; court proceedings information; types and amounts of credit sought in applications; and personal insolvency information (section 6N of the Act).

• Credit Eligibility Information: with respect to an individual includes credit reporting information about an individual that has been disclosed to a credit provider by a credit reporting body or CP derived information (section 6 of the Act).

• Credit Reporting Body: an organisation or agency prescribed by regulation that carries on the business of credit reporting (section 6 of the Act).

• Act means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ( Act)

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