Working Capital Solutions

By Ram - Apr 12 2024

Positive working capital means your business can pay its bills and debts in the coming months and on time. If you have a surplus, you can invest it in new projects to grow or evolve the business.

Technically, a company’s working capital is the difference between its current assets and liabilities. Enough working capital helps plan for future needs and ensures the company has enough cash and cash equivalents to meet short-term obligations such as unpaid taxes and short-term debt.

Why Is Working Capital Important?

If a company has enough working capital, it can continue to meet its obligations, including paying its employees and suppliers and other commitments, such as interest payments and taxes, even if it encounters cash flow challenges.

Working capital can be used to fund business growth without incurring debt. If the company needs to borrow money, demonstrating a positive working capital can make qualifying for loans or other forms of credit easier.

Growing businesses will likely face cash flow challenges as they strive to honour new business and fund ongoing daily operations. A financial solution that offers quickly accessible working capital is necessary; this is where we come in.

Do You Need a Working Capital Solution?

Key Factors is a leading factoring company in Australia with decades of experience helping companies stay above board, thrive and grow using flexible and easily accessible financing and working capital solutions. We believe in providing customised financing solutions tailored to the businesses we work with.

As a business, it is vital to consider whether you have enough working capital to sustain your business. You can find out by taking your cash, accounts receivable and inventory, all considered assets and deducting your liabilities, such as short-term debt, payroll and account payables. Your working capital is based on the difference between the value of the current assets and liability.

Ideally, the more working capital you have, the better your ability to meet immediate financial obligations and the stronger your business’s financial position.

Do You Have Enough Working Capital?

It’s crucial for a business to know how much working capital it has. Whether you’re trying to grow your business or struggling to stay above water, knowing your working capital is crucial in helping you plan for the future of your business.

Working capital includes:

  • Cash – This is the amount of money either in hand or the bank
  • Accounts receivable – The amount of money owed to the business
  • Inventory – The value of your materials, products and manufacturing works in progress
  • Short-term investments (Liquid) – Investments that can easily be converted into cash when required.
  • Prepaid expenses – Expenses were made in advance but are not currently due.

Getting the Right Working Capital Financing

Every business needs access to sufficient cash to ensure they can meet their operational expenses. This allows you to focus on the growth of the business and long-term financial sustainability.

A business without adequate working capital may not have the cash flow to meet expenses or take advantage of some growth opportunities. It might not have the financial resources to maintain itself in the medium and long-term.

Working with Key Factors can ensure you have the cash flow to sustain your business expenses and growth using efficient and reliable working capital solutions.

Why Key Factors?

Tailored Solutions

Choosing the right financing partner is vital in securing your business’s financial future. Key Factors is an experienced debtor factoring company with over 30 years of experience working with SMEs and large businesses. Our working capital solutions are tailored to suit your financial needs and relieve the pressure without needing to resort to bank loans. With our working capital solutions, you benefit from immediate cash coming in to help you plug any cash flow issues quickly and efficiently.

Transparent Fees and Funding

We believe in providing businesses with the information they need about the available working capital solutions and helping them make the best and most practical options. We are upfront and transparent about our fees and we don’t have any hidden fees. We let you determine the most suitable working capital solution for you.

Fast Funding

In business, time is money. Our working capital solutions are fast and have a short processing time, allowing you to get quick cash to alleviate your cash struggles by providing quick solutions to help you focus on growing the business.


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